Javascript Notes
let is the preferred way in modern JavaScript.
Data Types
- Null = Null (type of null is an object: its a bug)
Null specifies that we have something to store value but that value is simply nonexistent.
- Undefined = undefined
The value is never set/declared .Undefined means that we don't have any of the variables or the value it's basically undefined that doesn't exist.
- Strings
backticks ``
It is used to embed different variables into strings
use: when we have to apply extended functionality
let backticks =` Hello ${username}`;
- Number
Javascript is untyped (Dynamically typed)
NaN - Not a Number (type of NaN is number)
It represents a computational error it is a result of an incorrect or undefined mathematical operation.
Operators and Equality
Strict VS Loose equality
- Strict equality
compares values & data types
return true only if both are the same console.log(20 === "20"); //False
- Loose equality
console.log(20 == "20"); //true
Doesn't compare DATA Types
The Good one : === !==
The Evil Twin's: == !=
Always use === (Strict Equality)
Decision-Making Code
Falsy values
False, 0 , ' ', null, undefined, NaN
you can check if the value is truthy or Falsy using !!
- Logical Operators
&& - scans for left to right
true && true -> true
true && False -> False
False && true -> False
False && False -> False
if all values are true returns the last value
console.log('truthy' && 1 && 'test' && 999);
-> 999
if any one value is false then return that value.
console.log('truthy' && 0 && 'test' && 999);
-> 0
|| OR
Returns first true value.
console.log('truthy' || 1 || 'test' || 999);
-> truthy
if all values are false it returns the last value.
console.log(' ' || 0 || null || undefined);
-> undefined
Ternary Operator ? :
condition? block of code if true: block of code if false;
A block of code => Performs a task
A function declaration (defining a function)
A function call (calling/executing a function)
// A function declaration
function name(params){
// statements // have access to "this" keyboard
// A function expression
const name = function(params){
// Statements;
//An arrow function
const name = (params) => {
Returns undefined
Arrow Function
const square = (number) => { return number * number; }
const square = (number) => number * number;
// Parameters - used when defining a function.
// Arguments - passed when making a function call.
Function/Local scope
Hoisting in Javascript
Bringing the variables to the top of the scope.
console.log(age); | var age;
var age = 20; | console.log(age);
undefined | age = 20;
let, const are not hoisted
In modern JavaScript, hoisting does not exist.
A closure gives access to the outer function scope
In JavaScript, closures are created every time function is created at a function creation time.
const init = () => {}
//local variable created by init
const hobby = 'Learning Javascript';
// Display hobby is the inner function
const displatHobby = () => {
// using a variable created in the parent function