How to use GitHub
Setting up GitHub on local machine and launch website on GitHub Pages
Suppose there are five developers working on the same project. So, everyone has to know what is actually going with project. Details like assigned task and how much work done by each team member.
So here comes the role of "Version Control System". There are so many version control systems in market but "Git" is one of the best and developed system.
Setting Up GitHub on local machine
Step 1
Create an GitHub account . Click on Repositories and click on new to create new repository. Name the Repository as you want. Choose Public. Create Repository.
Step 2
Download latest version of Git from official website And install it in the local machine.
Step 3
Open Visual Studio Code
- Make an empty repository
- Create any file ( index.html)
- Open terminal in vscode.
- Check Git version
$ git --version
Step 4
Link the Git to a Github Account:
$ git config --global "Your email address"
$ git config --global "Yourname"
Step 5
Next step is to initialize the directory
$ git init
For point the folder to the GitHub repository
- Go to GitHub
- Copy the remote add origin command
$ git remote add origin <link>
Check the Status of repository
$ git status
The files are not tracking till now(Showing red)
For adding the files to tracking
$ git add .
This will track all files from folder(It will show green after git status)
Now we can commit them
$ git commit -m "Your message"
Now it is ready to push into GitHub repository
$ git push origin master
Note : For next time you don't need to add origin master you can directly use git push.
Go to GitHub check if the local files are pushed to this repository.
How to launch your website using GitHub pages
Go to Settings in the Repository you want to launch
On the left you will see Pages > click on pages
In source select master/main
After 5 to 10 min you will see your site is published
- Download and install Git
- Git bash interface
- Basic Git commands
- Create a local repository
- Connect to the remote repository
- Push the file to GitHub
- Launch website on GitHub Pages